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Welcome to the Home of Raid Oklahoma Planners and others wanting to help grow TBI Raiders!

This is a site for the volunteers of TBI Raiders.  This is a way for people to give their opinion about the volunteer service. This is to help them learn how to create more of a difference where they are.  This is to not only help those with Traumatic Brain Injury but without as well so it can bring them together to work side by side so that they can see that there aren't really many differences that separate them.  This is to bring people together and to unite them.

Volunteer of the month
this is to highlight a volunteer who is doing a lot for the organization and what they are aspiring to do so that it might inspire other volunteers to do more

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"Everyone that is wanting to grow into a leader is going to need a way to get there.  One of the best ways to get there is through volunteering and being part of something that has never been done before." ~ Director Murie

Leading. Networking. Workshops. Campaigning. Conventions.



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